Sunday, December 28, 2014

Woot Woot Another New Year

Time to think and wonder where the years have gone.  I am not only wondering because we are now looking at the year 2015 to come bouncing into being, during the next couple of days.  I am wondering because I am so pleased to have celebrated my 65th birthday.  Mostly I am pleased because I am not ready for the other option.  I think I am prepared but not ready.  At one time, not that long ago 65 seemed very elderly.  I don't feel elderly and yet I begin to notice my body and energy isn't what it once was.  Bob has ordered each of us these special headphones so we can watch TV and hopefully catch the whole drift of the story.  This is especially important with the new Downton Abbey series starting soon,  without one of us saying: "what did he say?"  "I don't know".

 I am now able to receive CPP and OAS---old age security.    At one time a person would have to be 70 to receive OAS and undergo a means test.  Since 1952 no means test is required and now down to age 65 years old------yeah for us.    Trivia question:  In what year was CPP established?  This answer totally surprised me?   1966!!!!!!  That means that for our entire working life the boomer generation has contributed to our CPP.  Of course everyone who has come into the work force since----including our kids and some of our grandkids  are contributing.  However we have all contributed so I am totally happy to collect.  GIS was introduced in 1967 as a temporary measure to reduce poverty among seniors!!!!!!!  For Bob and I, our retirement booty was not well prepared but God the Father has cared for us in unbelievable ways and as these golden years are creeping upon us we are looking forward to how He will continue to guide, give wisdom and care for us.  My mom says the years are not really golden but rather a unique shade of rust.

Bob and I now can advertise that our business has a combined total of 130 years experience.   Only trouble is we don't have a business!!!!!!  We do have life!!!! 

We were at Tom Baker Cancer Centre on the 23rd to see Dr. Bahlis.  For you medical types--WBC  4.,  RBC 3.4,  HGB  122, Platelets 115,, neutrophils  1.6 ,Kappa Free  44.70, Lambda Free 16.20  Kappa/Lambda free ratio  2.76  plus Bob's weight was up.   The side affects that were becoming more pronounced, Dr. Bahlis believes is because we haven't handled the diabetes as well as we should.  It is the prednisone that causes the high blood sugar.  Our family Dr. and the nurse that cares for Bob at the diabetic clinic thought things were ok but Dr. B. is our final authority  so we are working better at getting the control of the sugars.  Bob has now started the next 3 weeks but in reality the weeks change very little.  He is doing OK and does his best not to complain.

Bob has one resolution for the New Year.  He wants to learn how to live in the condo!!!!!  Sheesh we have been here for 6 months already.  How do we get to the point where one does not think one has to be doing something all the time???  Reading, writing etc are ok to do and not only in the evening!!!!  One does not have to built, fix, solder, sand, or nail something.  Arranging the storage shed can only be done so many times.  However with each arranging time we do seem to get more room!!!!!!!!  Today Bob and Ashton are putting up a new ceiling fan (not the new year yet).  Bob had to wear a hat with the other ceiling fan as the wind made his head to cold--- he he.

I had a very special birthday.  Since my birthday is at the end of the year I move into the new year 2015 in a new era/age/undertaking-----whatever at a new age in years.  I can hardly wait to see what is ahead.  Already things are poised to change in our Calgary family.   Life is one continuous time of change.  Trusting we will reach out and take possession of whatever changes may be before us in 2015.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Merry Christmas

I just returned from the Christmas concert put on by the kindergarten class where our Shamus goes to school. It did my heart good to see these little ones sing and perform.  Watching children's concerts, my heart, becomes in tune with the Christmas season.  It was special to be able to watch 3 boys from last years four year old preschool class perform.  Neat to see how grown up they have become.  I love hearing a young voice saying "Hi Miss Shirley".  Next week are our concerts at preschool.  The kids are practicing very hard and it is always a special time telling everyone that Christmas is about Jesus.

As I type this the weather is warm and our snow for all intents and purposes is gone.  From out of our window we can see a great hill perfect for sliding on .  It is used a lot and this year with the 2 big snowfalls we've had already, it has been busy.  The fountain park area is also flooded for skating.  It is melted again----second time we are down to concrete.  However I will be content to see the grass and hear the kids on their skateboards and bouncing basketballs.   We can also see the church that is on the corner across from our building.  They have a great nativity scene out in front of the church.  I am thinking that now that there is brown grass all around it, the scene is more likely what it was in Bethlehem all those years ago.  Sheep and shepherds out in the fields keeping watch in the dark night, protecting the flock.  Can't see any snow in that picture.  Trusting that Nativity scene will stay snow free while it proclaims the meaning of Christmas.

I was lax in blogging the past two months for any number of reasons BUT Bob is doing well again.  In the last blog we had been thrilled with how well he was managing to live with all the drugs he takes.  We decided that Oct. would be a great time to take a trip to MB.  We got to spend time with all of our siblings and their families along with a visit to a few friends.  Visiting with "old" friends was easy as we celebrated Gerry and Claire"s 40th anniversary with them.  Crystal and Kevin hosted a  surprise party for them.  We stayed with my mom this time and that turned out to be great, having time with just mom.  We also got to spend a bit of time with our granddaughters Katja and Natalia. Shortly after we got home---Oct 22----  Bob went to see the oncologist.  Bob had been coughing a lot but with the season and all we trusted he would get over the cough and cold.

Now off to Edmonton to share time with Mike and Cori and the kids.  Always special and always busy but always fun.

Now we were off to Niagara Falls on Nov.6.  Bob really began to feel unwell and was very tired.  He is tired but somehow this was different.  We had a good visit with dad and Reta.  We celebrated Christmas with them---turkey and all the trimmings.  We also had a visit with some of Bob's aunts.

Bob was very unwell by now and we were extremely concerned.  Bob was off of the chemo drugs beginning Nov.15, with an appointment to see the oncologist on the 19th.  I went with Bob this time to see if the blood work showed anything different.  It did. Not sure if I will get all of this right, but the test showed Bob was hemolyzing----the red blood cells weredestroying themselves.  What a condundrum.  Dr. Bahlis went out and asked us to wait.  He came back aaaaaaaaawwwwwhile later and looked like he was the cat that had swallowed the canary.  He believed that the antibiotic, that he had given Bob at the Oct. appointment, could have this side affect.  Dr. B said it was unusual but could be the source of the problem.  It was decided that an abdominal ultrasound would be done and another round of blood work PLUS another week off of drugs  )(*)(%%-/%$$#))@!! (happy dance) so that Bob's body could get over this.   Back on the chemo Nov.29 minus an antibiotic for pneumonia.

The ultrasound showed the liver has  "diffuse fatty infiltration but no focal lesion.  No intrahepatic biliary dilation."  The other organs were "unremarkable".  "No definite abdominal manifestations of multiple myeloma on ultrasound."  Praise God for His mercy and care.

The cancer marker numbers were down or static according to the blood work for the cancer.

We are thrilled once again of God's Hand of care.  This turned out to be a bad drug reaction not cancer gone crazy.

Next appointment with Dr. B. is Dec. 23 (which happens to be Tim and Barbie's 19th wedding anniversary).  Bob is back to the regular side affects and doing ok.

O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant..................a call to each of us to joyfully announce that Jesus, our Savior, came to earth at Christmas, triumphed over death and gives us that joyful hope of life forever with Him in heaven, once we accept Jesus as our Savior.  Carols are often sources of great truths, when we think about the words.  Sing those great, once a year, carols with renewed vigor this year.  (I was going to write --sing lustily-- but didn't want anyone to be offended.

Celine Dion sings:  "so this is Christmas for the near and the dear ones"  Merry Christmas from Us.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Visual

Time is speeding by and yet this September seems to have gone on and on.  Maybe because so much has happened.  Experiencing all the seasons in less than 30 days maybe made it long for me.

We never had a gas fireplace before.  The fireplace works very slick and I like it very much.  Now that it turned "fall cool" we have put it on a couple of times.  Not sure what I thought a gas fire place should be like but today, with the cool wind, I noticed that the cool air come in via the fireplace.  Hmmm.  The wood fireplace was like that but the damper kinda blocked a lot of the cool air.  Loved the wood fire place.  We warmed ourselves at least three, nooo four times by having a wood fireplace.  First we dragged the dead trees out of the bush to a spot to be cut up with a chain saw.  Another day we loaded them into the front end loader and took them to the yard to be split.  At the end of this era we even had a hydraulic splitter.  We made a large pile with the split logs.  Another day we loaded them again into the tractor bucket----over and over, then went over to the "wood shoot" with the tractor and heaved the split logs into the basement wood bin.  When a fire was wanted we took our canvas log carrier downstairs,loaded it up and took the logs up to the family room. Then, we could burn the logs and SIT down and warm ourselves in front of the fire.  Wow, feel warm just thinking about that process.  Should have been simple to stay slim!!!!!  Oh yeah and then shovel the ashes into a bucket and take them out!!!!

Bob was to see the oncologist this week and we are very encouraged.  The drugs are working well.  The kappa free marker, that is one of the markers they follow, has come way down.  Platelets are 122, creatine 79, the kappa/lambda free ratio is 5.78.  Praise God all of these numbers speak of the cancer in different ways and the numbers have all gone down.  Bob is now back into a 3 week regime and the nurse is suggesting that they may cut down the prednisone for the next regime.  That would relieve some of the side affects.  Bob is walking without the cane which is great.  Neuropathy is still a problem.  It is up to the knee on his right leg.  The pain is down a lot and that makes a huge difference.  Please keep asking the Lord for healing or new combinations of drugs that could be tried later on.   We are so thankful to our God for His care and mercy.
The chart shows what happened when the drugs were changed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Remembering September

The other day I was thinking about what Sept. means in our lives.  The one thing that comes to mind is harvest.  Living in the city one doesn't often think about what is going on out in the country.  Bob sees farm and ranch land on the days that he goes to work but I can go for months and not realize that the rhythm of rural life continues on.  That rhythm continues whether those of us who don't see the change.  So I began to reminisce a bit about fall.  

A big thing is back to school.  The best deal that I could find on lined loose leaf this year was ten cents a pack which is great.  I had to buy one----well...............just because it is fall.  Over the coming years I am sure we will use up all the packages that we have.

This is also the month we dug up all the root crops in the garden.  I can still smell the dirt as you dig for potatoes.  The big deal was pulling the plant up and seeing how many potatoes stayed attached and how big they had grown.  We would usually start digging with a fork but would pierce to many potatoes, so then out came the spade.  The potatoes that were pierced or cut by the spade went in one pile so we would use them up quickly.  The small potatoes in another pile.  Now these small potatoes, that often were tossed over the fence, bring top dollar-----at least in the grocery stores.  The rest of the potatoes for keeping over winter in another pile.  Let them dry off and then we put them into grain sacks.  We loaded them on the kids' wagon and away to the basement to be stored.  The air was usually brisk with yellow/golden leaves falling---ah fall!!!  Then of course we had carrots and beets and even some parsnips make it into the house.  We would also make sure the onions dried down by pushing over the green stems to stop the growing and start the drying.  In my garden it was more stomping over the green than pushing over.  One year my mom-in-law braided all the onions together and we hung them in the basement and to use them ---- just break off the bottom one..

Fall also was time to combine the grain.  This could often be a very tense time of year depending on the weather.  There is nothing better than on a sunny, bright day to watch the combine hum along the rows and rows of swathed grain.  The grain would be a steady stream into the hopper.  These days had everyone smiling.  The part I liked was packing lunch or supper and taking the kids out to the combine.  The guys would stop and we would have a picnic together.  The kids and ladies stayed longer as the guys usually ate and went back to work quickly.  The nights that had no dew and the moon was full our guys often combined through the night. That was so pretty and so satisfying.  Perhaps I am romanticizing it a bit, looking back.  So,,,, Bob often said:" well, of course it doesn't break until you are using it".  We also had our fair share of breakdowns.  The kids and I would drive to town with a broken something to get a new something.

Take a sniff and use your imagination.  Can you smell the fire?  All the leaves have been raked and a few dry logs of oak are added and just like that, a bedtime wiener roast with everyone in parkas or wrapped in quilts.  To be truthful we only raked what was needed for the fire as we didn't have a lot of forest in our yard.  Now Gerry, well he raked and raked----using the grass picker upper attachment.  Gotta say Gerry and family had great fires!!!!!!

Oh Oh, I didn't mention corn.   Corn-- anyway you like to eat it--boiled, roasted, on the cob, off the cob with that wonderful butter dripping down your arms,--- yum.   This was of course after you beat the raccoons to the corn.  A radio out in the corn? For sure.  After a while the raccoons get use to the talking  and choose their own channels, usually country music!!!!!!  This too is fall.

Often times fall is very different.  Case in point: this year 2014 before the leaves even changed color a snow storm came through southern Alberta.  Sept. 5 and 6th we had almost a foot of heavy wet snow in our part of the city.  Lots of trees damaged by the sheer weight of the snow, power lines were down all over the city.  The newspaper claimed this was the earliest snow in a century.  Today is +25C. and the temp will be warm all week--way above average.  The poplar trees are a beautiful deep yellow and the catoneasters are turning red.  A different fall for sure.

The year 2004 also had a very different fall for us.  This was the month that we were leaving the farm for the very last time.  It took a lot of time and effort to empty barns and shops and garages and our house.  We sold 45 tons of scrap metal from Bob's storage pile  "may need it some time".  We had bought a house in Brandon with possession the beginning of Oct.  Bob already had clients for his handyman business.  I was still working at the school in the Hutterite Colony.  I had a wonderful ideal of what living in the city would be like, could hardly wait.  We were going to live with Gerry and Claire until Oct but were first of all heading to Calgary to visit Tim and Barbie and the kids.  They had made the big move from Thunder Bay in August and we hadn't gone out to see their home and new surroundings.  Tim and Barbie wanted to be in Calgary for the beginning of the school year, Colton going into grade 2 and Aston to grade 1.  Emily had another year at home before kindergarten.
I came home from school that day, Sept.23, and Bob quickly ran from the shop to meet  me.  He was upset and looked awful.  My first reaction was "oh no the sale of the farm fell apart".  Bob hugged me and said "Tim fell at work and is in the hospital".  West Jet was hiring later in the fall and with the flying hours Tim had, he was pretty much assured to be hired.  In the mean time he walked down the block and got hired on as a framer building houses.

I didn't or wouldn't allow myself to think it might be really bad.  I was sure that by the time we arrived in  Calgary all would be well or almost well.  Bob seemed to grasp how serious it was for Tim.  Barbie cried and cried when we spoke with her.  I assured her over and over all would be well.  Sept 26 was the possession day of the farm so we worked like mad to get everything finished.  On the 25th of Sept we left for Calgary about four 0'clock in the afternoon.  We went straight to Foothills Hospital and the reality of Tim's situation and the situation of Barbie and the kids became all to clear.
This is the 10th anniversary of that horrible life changing fall.  Life changing for so very many people.  For Tim and Barbie, Colton , Ashton and Emily their lives were impacted in ways that are still unsettling and make me cry.  We have no idea this side of heaven what truly happened to each of them.  Perhaps this is not an anniversary of celebration but maybe one of reflection of the events, feelings, attitudes, goals and dreams, the good and the bad.  How will we go on now ten years older?
Shamus who is now 5 years old, starting kindergarten this fall.  Shamus is the picture of his daddy.  Shamus and the futures ahead for the big kids give hope for the times ahead.

"For I know the plans I have for you",says the Lord.  "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

In the face of everything that fall of 2004 brought into Tim and Barbie's life that verse can seem callous to their situation.  Yet that is the very verse Barbie choose to take them through that beginning time.  I have learned that the future and the hope that Jeremiah speaks of is only found in knowing Jesus, really learning to know Him through reading His word  and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us what He desires us to know.  We can then know the hope and future.  We can discern what the Lord has for us each day as part of those  plans.

Fall is a lot of different things for us in a number of different seasons of life. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Standard

Labor Day---when we were farmers we thought that labor day was when everyone was working!!!  As I am typing this I am looking out my window, and now, I think labor day is when all the various shapes and sizes of campers are coming home.  Then again, we left Staples without printer ink today because the line ups were so long with those harried parents purchasing school staples for their school kids, like for tomorrow.  That is maybe what labor day is all about.  We are watching football--the labor day classic!!!Edmonton is playing in Calgary.  Hooh Ra go Stamps go!!!! That is really what labor day is all about.  Hmmm

We enjoyed having our three little ones from Edmonton with us.  They kept us hopping but were great kids and we had a lot of fun and really full days.  Once mom and dad picked them up to go home, Bob and I slept for two days!!(slight exaggeration).  A 1 year old a 2 year old and a 3 year old are very busy people.  This weekend we had Shamus stay with us.  He is 5 years old and starts kindergarten this coming week.  We enjoyed our time with him and I think he liked staying with us too.

A new concern for us, about our family, is for Michael.  He had bad chest pain on Fri. night that wouldn't go away so he went into emerge at the hospital.  After tests and such the doctor in emerge believes Mike has angina.  He is to try and have less stress!!!!! and walk more.  Then of course to see his family Dr. and if the pain comes back to high boot it to the hospital.  Mike and Cori were planning to head down to Arizona again, this time with all the proper paper work!!!  At the end, it didn't happen.  Mike has so much work in Canada now, that they really felt that God closed the door.  Now with this health issue for Mike, we as parents, really can see God's Hand at work keeping them in Canada.  Right now Mike is in need of someone to be "in the office" to answer calls and dispatch the guys.  Do you know a young fella in Saskatoon or Edmonton needing a job?  Mike is 40 years old now.  The right age for those heart attacks to happen to the young guys.  Say a prayer for Mike, please.

Bob saw Dr. Neri,one of the oncologists, on Wed..  Oh!!!!, Dr. Neri, things must be looking up because it isn't Dr. Bahlis.  The protein numbers have come down a long way, saying that the new mixture of drugs is working.  Bob is taking cyclophosphamide,prednsone, and pomalidimine.  The following numbers are for those few medical people who know what they mean!!!! The total protein in the chemistry dept is  64.  Kappa free is153.  Lambda Free is17.10  which puts the ratio at 8.95 down from 12.43.  As I look over the print out most everything else is within the alloted range.  The pain in the hip is somewhat lessened but is still severe.  Altho, some days Bob gets around better than others.  A number of you live with chronic pain, so you understand how it affects your daily life in every area of your life.

So for us this labor day isn't classic it is the standard that we should recognize by now.  The drug regime will work for a while and then things will get tense again, then a different drug regime will be tried and it will work and on and on.  We always live with a hope that a cure may be found so we will continue to try all these different regimes.  Please pray that Bob will continue to handle the drugs as well as he does.  Pray that I will continue to appropriate the Lord's grace, love and care.

Back to school and routine everyone!!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


What!!!  Bob just called home.  He is not a happy camper right now.  Bob just spoke with his oncology nurse.  Marcie told him that yep the pain in his hip is coming from a cancer tumor near the hip joint.  Marcie said that they weren't going to do anything other than the chemo protocol that he is now on.  We hoped that maybe radiation would be used.  "WHAT" Bob answered "nothing??"  No, just take pain meds.  Bob told me he went and took 3 double strength Tylenol.  Bob really doesn't want to use the Oxy.  

Bob's big concern is how long will they want him at work, as there are a lot of stairs to go up and down in the course of his day.  Please pray that the pain will be minimized and he can hang in a little longer with his job.  We had hoped that he could work until he was 67 but that is a ways away.  In the mail today we received notice of his next appointment with Dr. Bahlis which will be on Aug.27.  

Instead of going to look after the kids at Mike and Cori's house, the kids are coming here which I think will be easier for us what with the awesome park on our doorstep.

I read this quote in a novel that I was reading this summer, just fluff,  but this struck me as being so true.  It is a long process to learn, but totally realistic as I see it in Bob and desire to be unselfish too, as we deal with the limitations.

"True love is not the helpless desire to posses the cherished object of one's fervent affection; true love is the disciplined generosity we require of ourselves for the sake of another when we would rather be selfish."

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2014

Hard to imagine that this is the August Long.  I hadn't been aware that this is the most sought after weekend, in the whole year, for vacation time.  Even more than my birthday!!!!!!! December 26 in case you didn't know or even Jesus' birthday on Dec. 25.  We often celebrate together!!!!!!!  This long weekend we are at home celebrating the long weekend --a little bit here and a little bit there.....  Trust that you are able to spend some time outside this weekend and have time away from the regular routine.

Bob's brother Gerry and his wife Claire were with us for a few days.  They parked their motor home in Okotoks and commuted in and out of the city with their very cool car.  They tow the car so it is a bit of a train when they are on the road.  We were able to have that camp fire experience one evening and enjoy a camping bar- b-que.  We had a very nice visit with them.  We also celebrated Claire's birthday even tho it was a bit early.  They are now off to Claire's family gathering.  Thanks for taking the time to visit in Calgary.

 All of our immediate family except for Bob's dad have now been here this summer to check us out, as well as our new home.  I am thinking that they all agree we are doing great in our new surroundings.  The fact that we are in a condo blows some minds but they have returned home  assured that most of our grey brain cells are working and we have chosen wisely.  God is good.

Our neighbors from Elgin Place have not returned home........nice summer long vacation so I am still watering their few plants and checking the house.  My reaction is that God totally used this time to wean me from our old house and yard.  When I look at it now it seems almost foreign.  I know that sounds odd but it does.  The feelings have gone and it is a yard that perhaps the owners need to do a little trimming in, but whatever it is their yard.  Soooooo I got to thinking that perhaps that is how God want us to begin to look at the things of the world that we live in.  It really is a foreign place for us, we are travelling through and stop and enjoy some things that this world has for us but our eyes should be focused on the life ahead, the one that we will have one day with Jesus.  I am still working on what that looks like for me, each day, but am learning.  I thought that by my age I would have life figured out but it seems that is not the case.

Bob's visit to the doc etc. becomes very unremarkable and yet it always is remarkable simply because of the science behind each visit and how the Lord chooses to use that science.  There is "something" that is showing up on the PET but Dr. Bahlis will wait for the report from the radiologist.  The hip is not any better and requires the use of the cane to make the support better so that Bob doesn't have a fall.  Our worry is that with the weakened bones from the cancer a fall would cause a break and open up a totally different pandora's box.  The pain is horrible-----Bob explains that it is like the back pain from six years ago.  Bob has only taken the Oxy one day.  That drug is horrible with the side affects so not sure what will happen as we go forward.   

Today Bob started a new protocal  continuing to use the pomalidimine but now adding in prednsone, rather than the dex, and cyclophosphamide.  This time Bob will loose his hair again (but bald is the rage) and continue on with the many other side affects especially being very tired.  We are trusting the Lord for His mercy for Bob and that the side affects will be very minimal. 

We are going to care for Mike and Cori's kids next weekend.  We are looking forward to it, however please pray for strength and energy for us and a very special time to bond with the kids during grandparent only time. 
Next long weekend------back to school  YIKES.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lazy Summer Afternoon

What are you doing on a Sunday afternoon?  Are you having a nap, visiting, reading or just keeping cool?  The past three weeks have been so very hot here in Calgary.  Mind you, I am not complaining after the long winter we had and then the wet, cool spring.  The flooding in the eastern prairies was horrible.  Hard to imagine battling that surge of water two years in a row.  Here in, the city of Calgary, if there was any flooding it was minimal.

We now are residing in our third floor condo, up the hill from the river so trusting we will not flood.(ever) but never say never!!!!!!  We are all moved in, now comes the relocating and organization of how we want things to be for awhile.  My sister Donna and brother-in-law Murray were here for a week.  Donna's goal was to get pictures hung.  She and Murray did an amazing job.  Fortunately, she didn't find them all!!!!!  Sometimes less is more.  The pictures did make things feel way more comfy and homey.  Thanks guys.

July 5 saw us out in Cochrane for our niece Jody's wedding to Jason Ferguson.  It was fun and special to share in their day.  Donna and Murray left for home and my mom came to stay with us for a week.  My brother David and our sister in law Betty were over at different times, on a few days, but had "in law accommodation."  The room that I call my office has our wall bed in it so we are still set up for overnight company.

We are getting use to condo living.  It is different from what we know but a change is as good as a rest so the saying goes.  Once the house sale was settled and we drove by I was much more settled.  I loved how the buyers had a swing out on the front patio and chairs and table and umbrella on the back deck.  There were flower pots lined up by the garage so I thought "good someone to care for the yard and enjoy it."  Now, you gotta realize I wasn't stalking the house or them!!!        but     you can see a lot when you know where to look  =} .  There were even ladders on the outside hangers Bob had put up and used!!!!   Cough, cough, we are looking after our neighbor's house next to our old Elgin house so we will pop over tonight to check the house out for Bob and Michelle (their house, not their new neighbors).

To me living in the condo is like being at a resort.  We overlook the fountain park so it is pretty much a block across the park to the boulevard.  We have some nice, getting to be 3 storey tall, trees in front.  During the day we can hear and watch kids playing in the fountain, in the playground and shooting hoops.  Families have picnics and it is a really neat atmosphere.  Kinda like the times we use to spent at Clear Lake minus the campfires.  The ice cream truck even happens by regularly.  

Bob is on his final week of this course of chemo.  He has had a fair bit more pain lately, mostly in the one hip.  It seems somewhat better right now but Bob is using his walking stick a lot.   Bob now says that the hip feels it is bruised--not black and blue though.  Altho last week we took mom up to see Mike and Cori and kids and guess what grandpa did??  He went down the waterslide with Maksim.  We are really hoping that is the cause of the sore hip.  Bob's blood sugar seems to be staying higher for a longer time  on the dex days.  Bob bought a new tester that connects to the computer through a usb port.  Bob is checking more often and will have a better record to share with our GP.  It mostly comes to doing enough activityso today we went shopping,   Ahhh come on that is walking!!!!!!
On July 30 Bob will have a PET scan and see Dr. Bahlis afterwards.  It will be interesting to hear what he has to say about my dear hubby.  I promise to do a short post afterwards.

Enjoy a new week of summer before it is gone.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


We made our trip to Niagra Falls and had a lovely Easter celebration with dad and Reta and their church family.  It truly was a blessed time.  So good to spend that time with the two of them.  Dad had celebrated his 91st birthday in Feb. so this was once again a cause to celebrate.  Dad has now had the cataracts done in both eyes so should be good to drive a few more kilometers.

Bob did well on the trip and saw the oncologist on May 7.  The doctors were very pleased with the first month on the new drug combo.  The cancer has slowed down and the markers that the doctors follow have recovered reasonably well.  Dr. Nehri who is also a myeloma research scientist, oncologist and the wife of Dr. Bahlis sees Bob most times now.  Bob is atypical so both of the docs watch his results and consult about what should happen.  Dr. Nehri has another drug ready to use when this combination fails.  She also thinks that in the next eighteen months another new drug for multiple myeloma will come on line.  That will put Bob two years down the multiple myeloma road and then we will see what comes next.  Bob would like to continue working for two more years.  He really likes what he does and the folks at Exploron have been very good to him.

OK back to the atypical patient, Bob.  The protein numbers and the ratios have always been very low even when the lesions (tumors) show on his bones.  The plasma in the marrow was also low so the thinking is that the cancer shows itself more on the outer side of the bone rather than in the marrow.  Hence the PET scans and MRIs are how to track the cancer more accurately.  When these three months are up, I believe he will getting the imagery done again.  I like the fact that Bob is monitored carefully.  God knew that we  needed to be in Calgary for several reasons.  We have amazing medical people caring for Bob.

When we returned from Ontario we were thinking that we should BEGIN to consider moving into a condo.  This would be a no outside maintenance and a one level dwelling.  Bob's thinking is that it would be better to make the move before it became something we had to do.  One day my hubby was in the bank and decided to see how we should plan to go about this purchase.  The major thing that stuck in his head, from what the banker said, was that it would be best to buy while we are still having an income.  Long story short we own and are in possession of a two bedroom condo in the Prestwick part of McKenzie Towne.  It is only a block to Tim and Barbie's house and all the gardening and handyman projects that we may choose to do.

Our new address is   303-25 Prestwick Drive  T2Z 4Z1.  We don't live there yet but it is ours and we will slowly begin living over there in the next two weeks or so.  Our house is now for sale along with a lot of furniture.  Our white kitchen table, chairs and china cabinet, couch, bedroom furniture will be for sale after the house sells.  The only piece of furniture that I am attached to is Bob's roll top desk.  We also have a Smart Car and a Freestar van for sale!!!!!  Pray that we will be patient in waiting for the Lord to sell our things for us.

Lost my train of thoughts so will end for now and trust you will enjoy hearing....the rest of the story......

Monday, April 14, 2014


This has been a whirlwind of a week.  It seemed like a lot to take in during the week.  Bob and I have both had a million ideas and speculations and theorizations  coursing through our brains and then between us.
The decision that we made, thanks to your prayers, was not to have the stem cell transplant, even though Bob is 65.  For us and for right now in our life we believe that to be the best decision.  Bob is already forty eight hours into the protocol of the new drug along with the dex.(Now 36hrs)  Seems like once a decision is made things move very quickly.

Dr. Bahlis has sorta, kinda said if Bob is in good health he would still do the transplant to say 67.  The Dr.'s plan is to wait until this drug fails.  Perhaps it won't!!!!!  We asked if there were new drugs coming and we were told yes in the next couple of years at least two more will come on test.

Oh Bob didn't have a spinal tap.  Wrong terms, he had a bone marrow aspiration and just from a watching perspective it hurts!!!!!  All the tests that were carried out this week, we will get the bottom line on them, on May 7---next visit to the oncologist.  That will be three weeks in to this protocol.

So far the reaction to the drug hasn't been as horrible as we thought it might be.  I truly believe that our merciful God has heard the many prayers that have been said on Bob's behalf.  Thank you.   Bob gets a really bad headache within the first hour but he takes the chemo at supper time so we are at home.  Dizziness and being unsteady on his feet also happens.  Walking stick is handy.  Bob gets really red---like a bad sun burn but that doesn't last the whole day.  He went to work today and by mid afternoon was very tired.  The tiredness has been ongoing, however this time it seems a bit more pronounced.-------So all in all not bad at this point.(Says me).

Spring is more or less here, warm one day snow the next.  I can hardly wait to get my yard cleaned up and start seeing some green while we enjoy a cup of coffee outside.

It looks like Bob will be able to manage our trip.  Altho he has a plugged ear, which has been plugged for several weeks and Bob can't seem to "fix" it.  He sees our family doc tomorrow.  Hopefully Dr. G. will be able to do something for the ear.  We hope that the plugged ear won't bother Bob when we fly---as in pain!!!  Oh yes, we are off to Niagra Falls to spend Easter with dad Hildebrand and Reta.  We are looking forward to the trip and change of venue for a bit.

Gotta finish up with a story about my time at the hospital as a volunteer today.   Ready???!!! Well, it was within a half hour of my shift ending and a sweet lady asked if she could go for a walk so I went to ask the nurse and of course she couldn't but would I mind taking Helen for a walk in a wheel chair?  The nurse says "just a short walk, as I know you must be almost done".  Turns out this dear woman hadn't been out of her  room for a while so how could  this just be a short walk so off we went.  I warned Helen that I had recently received speeding tickets so she should hold on tight.  I think that info was like a  747 went right on overhead, anyway away we went and enjoyed looking out windows, seeing the drugstore, cruising by the cafeteria, enjoying the new gift shop.  Yes we really did see a lot of the hospital.  As we head back to Helen's floor I begin to panic which ward did I take her from???  I knew the floor but yikes which ward?  OK, got that one figured out but for the life of me I did not know where Helen's room was or even which wing it was in.  All looked the same to Helen too and she didn't know where her room I told her we were on an adventure.  You have to realize this is the first time I have visited this dear lady.  In the end we had to stop and ask a nurse (not at the main desk that would be well...very humbling) who checked Helen's bracelet and looked on the computer to find Helen's abode.  Wrong wing but now at least we had a room number.  Helen was smiling so it was a great walkabout for her...embarrassing for me, especially if there had been security sent out to find the volunteer who lost a patient---learn something everyday---keep notes !!!!!!

Enjoy your Easter celebrations of our Resurrected Lord.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Deja vu

When Bob came home from the appointment with the oncologist yesterday (April 2) it was deja vu.  I spent today, once again, dealing with the fears and the realities of the horrible cancer that Bob's body is dealing with.  Once again we will both be heading to Tom Baker Cancer Center on Tuesday  April 8.  Bob has been going to all of his appointments on his own for quite some time as all the appointments seemed so routine.
The routine and mundane is changing and not the way we would like.

The results from the PET scan were shared with Bob yesterday.  The course of chemo that Bob has been taking has failed.  There are more tumors or lesions on his bones.  Bob said he didn't ask where, as we kinda know where some tumors may be.  The pain he is experiencing gives it away.  We hoped it was arthritis or nerve pain from the surgery of almost six years ago.  Six years since the initial diagnosis, more than three years more than the original time frame we were given.  Thanks to new drugs and new pairings of drugs over the past five years there is more hope and longevity for multiple myeloma patients.  The one option that was presented is using a new drug called Pomalidomide.  The Dr. needs to contact the drug company to get Bob approved to take this drug.  This  drug is not able to be prescribed yet.  A year ago the FDA granted accelerated approval for patients with multiple myeloma who have received two prior therapies including Revlamid and Velcade and whose disease progressed within sixty days of completing the last therapy.  Bob was still to have another month of Velcade and Dex so the cancer is being refactory!!!!!!

The overgrowth of malignant cells in the bone marrow can weaken the bones especially in the back and ribs causing pain and fractures.  The pain is increasing in Bob's back bringing back the horror of six years ago.  Six years ago we cancelled our Easter trip, a family wedding trip and then I watched as Bob could not handle the pain any longer.  Trusting we won't have to go through all of that again.  The side effects are horrible but they are with each drug.  Many of the side effects are the same as what he has experienced wiith the other drugs.  The main ones are neutropenia, anemia and thrombocylopenia.  I thought these words were very scarey and yeah I googled them.  It will be a while until we will know if this drug is possible for Bob.

The second option is equally frightening.  On Tuesday this is the option that the blood work and spinal tap are in prep for; the stem cell transplant.  The nurse told me once the tests were done we would discuss this option.  You may remember that Bob was rejected for a transplant when first diagnosed.  This was due to the finding that Bob had a heart attack somewhere in all the pain.  Sixty-five is close to the top age that the doctors like to do the transplant.  The thinking is that if the transplant would work for Bob the new drug would still be an option further down the road.

It is now Saturday morning and another test has been added to the Tues. schedule.  Dr. Bahlis wants the echo cardiogram done before the other tests.  Sooooo at seven in the morning we will be at the new hospital in our neighborhood for the echo and then at eight across the city at the lab over at Tom Baker.  Hmmmm I think that I will have to drive!!!!!!

In our newsletter from Sonshine Park Preschool I was the "meet our staff" person for April.  I will quote part of my write up;
 "Moving to Calgary proved to be positive for us in so many ways.  We truly saw God go ahead of us and prepare the way for our life in the city.  We can honestly say that God has given us contentment and peace in the midst of life's struggles......"
I innocently read this to Bob later in the day of April 2.  This was after I  had been so upset and just angry that this cancer was not weakening it's grip on my husband.  I ranted that we are so ill prepared for retiring, how our income on the farm just let us down, how we haven't worked long enough at our present rates to be ok, that we have made poor decisions over the years, blah, blah, blah.  Bob reminded me that we prayed all the time and made the best decisions given whatever our circumstances were at the time.  Then Bob told me we are just like the Israelites.  God cared for them and as we read about their complaining about the manna after the Red Sea parting as well as their other complaints during those forty years we shake our heads wondering why didn't they see God's care.  Bob pointed out to me; 
 "Shirley, just like you wrote in the newsletter, we know God cared for us.  We need to trust Him now and pray for God's best and believe that He wants the best for us."

So, the verse from the book of Job came to my mind.  Job tells his wife "You are talking like a foolish woman.  Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Job 2:10.

We will gird ourselves for what is ahead and pray for God's best.  Should we pass through your thoughts at any time please pray for us as we continue on this journey.
Being in the "hymn culture" as a new believer and for many years after many of the hymns go through my thoughts.   I was a new believer and learned much by teaching Sunday School.  I learned the songs along with the kids. The hymns and songs that I learned are very precious words deep in my brain.  The one  I have been thinking of lately is the one following and  should you know the tune; sing with me, maybe even march about:

My Lord knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow.
My Lord knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow.
Strength for today, is mine all the way
And all that I need for tomorrow.
My Lord knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lions, lambs, lions, lambs, lions, lions

Today and for the most part,  I gotta say the lions are winning!!!  The weather came in like a lion so to my way of thinking I thought that by now the gentle lambs would be taking over the weather fronts. However, from my window it looks like a regular ole winter storm blowing outside.  The winter snow is still hanging around and now the darkness of that snow is being covered by the whiteness of fresh falling snow and sleet.  I write about the weather in order to have a basis to complain,  mostly about the long never ending winter.  I know, I know all of us are dealing with that no matter where we live across this northern world. 

Wow, what a world we have too.  The Olympics was great entertainment, after the media leaves--most of them anyway, Russia decided to take back territory.  I read historical romance (not that this is romantic) but sheesh seems like a leader of another era did the same thing annexing back the Sudetenland in order to protect German interests.  The books I read, altho being fiction describe vividly what happens in aggression.
May the Lord keep us from another major war.
I am sure most of you have read about the premier of AB. Politics is becoming such a sad state of affairs.  Well,I won't go any further.  Cousin David covers that pretty well.  Hey David, more Canadian content!!!

Right now Bob is at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre having a PET scan.  Simply, Bob is injected with radioactive sugar and then the doctors monitor the circulation of this injection through the body.  Active cells---cancer cells--quickly move  to the sugar.  In this way the doctors can tell where there are tumors growing.  I think that loosely resembles the truth of the test.  This was originally planned for an MRI but when the appointment came the type of test had been changed.  We try not to race ahead of the results but sometimes you can't help it. 
This all makes me uptight and I want to complain about everything.  Life is hard and then you die.  I know all the right things, don't worry, but living through this daily gets to be tough.  Watching Barbie and Tim is hard, walking now with 3 fellow teachers from our school deal with cancer is hard.  The latest only 23 years old.  Visiting these dear old people when I volunteer at the hospital is hard.  Listening to heartbreaking stories of what is happening in the lives of our friends is hard.  One gal told me: for believers in Jesus this life is hell but for those who don't or won't accept Jesus as their personal savior this life is heaven.  Gotta say I am so thankful for the Hope we have in God. 

Thanks for listening to me rant.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Yesterday, March 5 was Bob's latest visit with the oncologist.  I have struggled with the previous visit as the numbers were up and more drugs were added and then frustration and discontent and disappointment settle in and that is only me!!!!  Bob has more side effects, is more tired and has been having a lot of pain.  At least the weather has been horrid so it is easier to hunker down and stay sane as most everyone is hunkered down.  However the news yesterday is more encouraging.  Thank you to those of you who continue to pray for us.  Bob's marker numbers have come down by 30% which is great.  We are happy if they hold or go down.  These markers going up not only get our doctors excited, they put us on edge.  WBC is now 4.2, the Kappa/Lambda Free Ratio is now 3.55 (still a little high) but going in the right direction. 
For now Bob will continue on with the same doses and hopefully the markers will go down again.

The dexamethazone is the steroid that causes the hyper, no sleeping, agitated side affects and Bob is looking forward to tomorrow when he gets chemo cause the dex also takes the pain away.  Go figure!!!!!  One man's poison.........
Bob is also being slated for an MRI to see what is causing the pain in his back.  The MRI will show if it is arthritis or something else as a PET doesn't show arthritis.

Bob is working, has had to come home early a couple of days but generally "does his time".  Lots of changes on the estate so it makes life interesting for him.  This month my dear Bob is 65, yikes, not sure how that happened.  Seems like only yesterday we were 16.  Bob will start collecting those brown envelopes.  I am not to far behind so we now have bragging rights that between us we have 130 years of experience in life!!!  This is a tough birthday for Bob to reach 65 and not be ready (in any way) to retire.  Soooo he will continue to be off to work for awhile longer---me tooooo!!!  I am thrilled that Bob is turning 65 at one point we didn't think he would make 60.  Each birthday is a gift and needs to be a celebration of some sort.

Our biggest outings this winter have been to Mike and Cori's to spend time with them and their kids.  Mike seems to be doing well in his business.  He finds it very hard to find good help as both of the locations are in very low employment areas.  Such are the challenges!!!  The kids are growing like crazy  and require high energy so we save up for a month or so before we go!!!!!

Tim and Barbie's family also is well and all doing their things.  We don't see them as often any more which means they are all well.  Barbie is looking for a job right now.  They need to take their family vacation and are still planning that and hopefully Barbie will earn some extra money towards that.  Tim and Barbie did make the trip to Ottawa when Tim's dad, Larry was sworn in as a MP.  

Our Quebec kids of course we don't see but have a wee bit of contact through FB.  They are growing older as well!!!

The weather is going to warm up by the weekend as I am struggling with a headache today sooooo on a more creative day I will try and write again and let you all into on our lives..

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year----2014

 Happy New Year.  Still have a few days left until the Ukrainian new year celebrations!!!!  Yikes 2014 already, hardly seems possible. A new year of life ahead..

 I must be getting older as I now find myself saying "well, I remember back when we were on a telephone party line and had a rotary dial phone".  Blank stares from my teens.  I also remember that in the year 1999 we were all wondering what would happen to us because of  Y2K.  We bought a generator so that we could milk the cows and cool the milk and then tractor the generator  down to the house until the next milking.  So glad that the Y2K came in and we didn't have any upsets---such as; loosing power, loosing our banking, not being able to shop because the cash registers wouldn't work.  In some ways that was only a short time ago and really all the prep is nearly 15 years ago for that event.  This summer we will call Calgary  home for 9 years and have not been farmers for 10.  We are happy being city slickers.  We get to do some house sitting out at the estate where Bob works.  That gives us the quiet that we forget exists away from the city.

Bob is doing well as we head into 2014.  We have more plans and optimism than we have had for a few years.  This past Wed.  Bob had a visit (well, actually an appointment) with the oncologist Dr. Bahlis.  The regime that was started a month ago has brought the markers for cancer down but not as much as the doc would like to see sooooo starting with chemo tomorrow--Jan. 10, the velcade dose will be increased.  If I remember correctly this will mean more neuropathy.  Right now Bob cannot feel his toes but the rest is good!!!( All a matter of perspective).  After tomorrow he will be back to walking on marbles and using the walking stick to help with balance.  Trusting that this will work and the dex will not be increased and they will not add another drug.

Bob keeps on working at his job.  It is ever evolving and including new things.  Bob truly enjoys his job and plans to stay for.................??????we will keep evaluating his health and plus as long as the Co. is ok with the arrangements.

We had really great Christmas celebrations with both of our kids and their families.  We were not all together for Christmas but we got out to Mike and Cori's the weekend before Christmas and then back in time for Christmas Eve and Day with Tim and Barbie.  Truly a fun time.

I received snowshoes for Christmas---very different from the ones from years ago!!!!! I am adding that to my programme this year........already been out   3    times!!!!!! Only once in the "wild" the other two times on soccer fields.  Gotta  do better this year.  Looking back:

                                                  I swam 10 laps
                                  I ran 3 miles
                                  I biked 7 miles
                                  It's been a good year.
                                My former philosophy (I hope)

Bob and I are both working at the healthy heart, and keep the high blood sugar at bay for now.  If you are young..... start now you never know when you won't be able to.
So on that happy note I say adieu and God's blessings for each of you for the life ahead in this new year.