Bob is doing well. He is tired but kicking the tiredness the best he can. We (shhhh don't tell the nurses) are playing with the morphine and almost have the recipe for pain control. Bob has each measurement of morphine--3mg, 6mg,of hydro morphine then 5mg of regular??morphine. We are keeping track of what allows him to be pain free come the morning and then keeps him free all day. We think we have it!!!!! That will be the biggest accomplishment for now.
Bob has had 3 injections of velcade so far and has one more before we see Dr. Bahlis. There are no steroids along with the velcade so the blood tests Bob takes for diabetes are staying normal. PTL--all below 10 and most below 8. We are so thankful for that. The day after the velcade (today) is a lousy day for Bob --just not feeling well plus a sense of not being able to get his breath. This is only for one day. Thankful for that too. His blood counts are falling though. The major number is for the neutrophils. Should this fall below the magic number he may not be given the velcade. We are thinking that perhaps it would be good to go through the Christmas week without the chemo as it is now scheduled for both Christmas Eve and New Years eve. The "normal" numbers for the neutrophils are between 2.0 and 8.0. Bob started the velcade with a count over 7., last week was 2.5 and this week we are down to 1.9. WBC is now 4.7, HGB is 112, Platelets 88. So we shall see what happens, but Bob may need a break to recover some more.
As life stands today Bob is going to go back to work come January. He is planning for 3 days at the estate and 2 days in the city. He is able to take time needed for blood work, appointments and chemo. We are so thankful to God for Exploron Corp. and how they have cared for Bob. Bob loves his job and is now working for the benefits!!!! !Plus his salary!!!!!
Enjoy this advent season with all the busyness and excitement.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
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