Friday, December 18, 2015


We made the last oncologist visit of the year!!!

 Bob still has one chemo left---- on new year's eve.  He had one today and is hanging in pretty well, not feeling unwell yet.

The chemo has been changed to once every other week.  The blood numbers came up very well by not having chemo every week.

There is still no sign of any active myeloma in the marrow.  PTL

We have complained about Bob's pain in the hip (actually on the back of the pelvis) so much that I am sure everyone is tired of it!!!!!  It still was not under control and he was becoming more sleepy and disorientated.  Fortunately, when the oncology nurse came to call him into the appointment-- Bob was sleeping.  I think she realized that yes this was not good.  How does one have a life?

Bob has been changed to another drug, in patch form, to handle the pain.  The patch is to last 72 hours so we will see.  He needed to take a break through 5mg morphine this am but otherwise it is all good.  He feels better!!!
This can be tweaked a fair bit before it is not effective.  Looking way better.  Next stop would be the pain clinic.

January 4, 2016 Bob is back to work.  Still on the old schedule--some days at the estate and some days in the city.  We were getting the hang of being full time together-- and no other work.  I will miss Bob but this will be very good for him.  We will see how he makes out.  Praying he will be able to physically and mentally manage the drive, the full day and the work.

Almost time to close the door on 2015.  This has not been our best year, but it has been a great year in terms of stretching our faith and trusting God, so for that we are thankful.

Merry Christmas, enjoy the time with whomever you get to spend Christmas with.  The movie Robin Williams was in......can't for the life of me remember the name of it......but the slogan was carpe  diem----seize the day.   We are trying to seize each day with only the positive of the day and letting the negative just collapse upon itself. 

 Our wishes, for calmness and much joy for the Season, to each of you.

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