Sunday, December 28, 2014

Woot Woot Another New Year

Time to think and wonder where the years have gone.  I am not only wondering because we are now looking at the year 2015 to come bouncing into being, during the next couple of days.  I am wondering because I am so pleased to have celebrated my 65th birthday.  Mostly I am pleased because I am not ready for the other option.  I think I am prepared but not ready.  At one time, not that long ago 65 seemed very elderly.  I don't feel elderly and yet I begin to notice my body and energy isn't what it once was.  Bob has ordered each of us these special headphones so we can watch TV and hopefully catch the whole drift of the story.  This is especially important with the new Downton Abbey series starting soon,  without one of us saying: "what did he say?"  "I don't know".

 I am now able to receive CPP and OAS---old age security.    At one time a person would have to be 70 to receive OAS and undergo a means test.  Since 1952 no means test is required and now down to age 65 years old------yeah for us.    Trivia question:  In what year was CPP established?  This answer totally surprised me?   1966!!!!!!  That means that for our entire working life the boomer generation has contributed to our CPP.  Of course everyone who has come into the work force since----including our kids and some of our grandkids  are contributing.  However we have all contributed so I am totally happy to collect.  GIS was introduced in 1967 as a temporary measure to reduce poverty among seniors!!!!!!!  For Bob and I, our retirement booty was not well prepared but God the Father has cared for us in unbelievable ways and as these golden years are creeping upon us we are looking forward to how He will continue to guide, give wisdom and care for us.  My mom says the years are not really golden but rather a unique shade of rust.

Bob and I now can advertise that our business has a combined total of 130 years experience.   Only trouble is we don't have a business!!!!!!  We do have life!!!! 

We were at Tom Baker Cancer Centre on the 23rd to see Dr. Bahlis.  For you medical types--WBC  4.,  RBC 3.4,  HGB  122, Platelets 115,, neutrophils  1.6 ,Kappa Free  44.70, Lambda Free 16.20  Kappa/Lambda free ratio  2.76  plus Bob's weight was up.   The side affects that were becoming more pronounced, Dr. Bahlis believes is because we haven't handled the diabetes as well as we should.  It is the prednisone that causes the high blood sugar.  Our family Dr. and the nurse that cares for Bob at the diabetic clinic thought things were ok but Dr. B. is our final authority  so we are working better at getting the control of the sugars.  Bob has now started the next 3 weeks but in reality the weeks change very little.  He is doing OK and does his best not to complain.

Bob has one resolution for the New Year.  He wants to learn how to live in the condo!!!!!  Sheesh we have been here for 6 months already.  How do we get to the point where one does not think one has to be doing something all the time???  Reading, writing etc are ok to do and not only in the evening!!!!  One does not have to built, fix, solder, sand, or nail something.  Arranging the storage shed can only be done so many times.  However with each arranging time we do seem to get more room!!!!!!!!  Today Bob and Ashton are putting up a new ceiling fan (not the new year yet).  Bob had to wear a hat with the other ceiling fan as the wind made his head to cold--- he he.

I had a very special birthday.  Since my birthday is at the end of the year I move into the new year 2015 in a new era/age/undertaking-----whatever at a new age in years.  I can hardly wait to see what is ahead.  Already things are poised to change in our Calgary family.   Life is one continuous time of change.  Trusting we will reach out and take possession of whatever changes may be before us in 2015.


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