Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Merry Christmas

I just returned from the Christmas concert put on by the kindergarten class where our Shamus goes to school. It did my heart good to see these little ones sing and perform.  Watching children's concerts, my heart, becomes in tune with the Christmas season.  It was special to be able to watch 3 boys from last years four year old preschool class perform.  Neat to see how grown up they have become.  I love hearing a young voice saying "Hi Miss Shirley".  Next week are our concerts at preschool.  The kids are practicing very hard and it is always a special time telling everyone that Christmas is about Jesus.

As I type this the weather is warm and our snow for all intents and purposes is gone.  From out of our window we can see a great hill perfect for sliding on .  It is used a lot and this year with the 2 big snowfalls we've had already, it has been busy.  The fountain park area is also flooded for skating.  It is melted again----second time we are down to concrete.  However I will be content to see the grass and hear the kids on their skateboards and bouncing basketballs.   We can also see the church that is on the corner across from our building.  They have a great nativity scene out in front of the church.  I am thinking that now that there is brown grass all around it, the scene is more likely what it was in Bethlehem all those years ago.  Sheep and shepherds out in the fields keeping watch in the dark night, protecting the flock.  Can't see any snow in that picture.  Trusting that Nativity scene will stay snow free while it proclaims the meaning of Christmas.

I was lax in blogging the past two months for any number of reasons BUT Bob is doing well again.  In the last blog we had been thrilled with how well he was managing to live with all the drugs he takes.  We decided that Oct. would be a great time to take a trip to MB.  We got to spend time with all of our siblings and their families along with a visit to a few friends.  Visiting with "old" friends was easy as we celebrated Gerry and Claire"s 40th anniversary with them.  Crystal and Kevin hosted a  surprise party for them.  We stayed with my mom this time and that turned out to be great, having time with just mom.  We also got to spend a bit of time with our granddaughters Katja and Natalia. Shortly after we got home---Oct 22----  Bob went to see the oncologist.  Bob had been coughing a lot but with the season and all we trusted he would get over the cough and cold.

Now off to Edmonton to share time with Mike and Cori and the kids.  Always special and always busy but always fun.

Now we were off to Niagara Falls on Nov.6.  Bob really began to feel unwell and was very tired.  He is tired but somehow this was different.  We had a good visit with dad and Reta.  We celebrated Christmas with them---turkey and all the trimmings.  We also had a visit with some of Bob's aunts.

Bob was very unwell by now and we were extremely concerned.  Bob was off of the chemo drugs beginning Nov.15, with an appointment to see the oncologist on the 19th.  I went with Bob this time to see if the blood work showed anything different.  It did. Not sure if I will get all of this right, but the test showed Bob was hemolyzing----the red blood cells weredestroying themselves.  What a condundrum.  Dr. Bahlis went out and asked us to wait.  He came back aaaaaaaaawwwwwhile later and looked like he was the cat that had swallowed the canary.  He believed that the antibiotic, that he had given Bob at the Oct. appointment, could have this side affect.  Dr. B said it was unusual but could be the source of the problem.  It was decided that an abdominal ultrasound would be done and another round of blood work PLUS another week off of drugs  )(*)(%%-/%$$#))@!! (happy dance) so that Bob's body could get over this.   Back on the chemo Nov.29 minus an antibiotic for pneumonia.

The ultrasound showed the liver has  "diffuse fatty infiltration but no focal lesion.  No intrahepatic biliary dilation."  The other organs were "unremarkable".  "No definite abdominal manifestations of multiple myeloma on ultrasound."  Praise God for His mercy and care.

The cancer marker numbers were down or static according to the blood work for the cancer.

We are thrilled once again of God's Hand of care.  This turned out to be a bad drug reaction not cancer gone crazy.

Next appointment with Dr. B. is Dec. 23 (which happens to be Tim and Barbie's 19th wedding anniversary).  Bob is back to the regular side affects and doing ok.

O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant..................a call to each of us to joyfully announce that Jesus, our Savior, came to earth at Christmas, triumphed over death and gives us that joyful hope of life forever with Him in heaven, once we accept Jesus as our Savior.  Carols are often sources of great truths, when we think about the words.  Sing those great, once a year, carols with renewed vigor this year.  (I was going to write --sing lustily-- but didn't want anyone to be offended.

Celine Dion sings:  "so this is Christmas for the near and the dear ones"  Merry Christmas from Us.

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