The game of dominoes that I play with Bob is fairly relaxed. We go about matching the dots at a fairly even pace but with the anticipation that one of us will not be able to make a play and who will that be? With just the two of us playing, the game can go on for a bit and we become comfortable with the play. Once in awhile we have stood the dominoes on edge and did the little swirl and then touched the first one and watched them fall one after the other in a neat row even around the swirl.
Today is Wed. and already we have seen a live game of dominoes take place this week. We were becoming somewhat comfortable with Bob's health. Nothing new was happening as far as the cancer went. The dots were matching up. Perhaps we were a bit frustrated as even tho the dots matched we weren't really winning either. Last week Bob had an MRI done of his neck and upper spine. On Friday Bob's oncologist called saying he would like to go over the results with us. This was somewhat unusual as he always did that sort of thing at the scheduled appointments. We met with Dr. Bahlis and all of a sudden the game changed. We have a picture of the MRI and are able to clearly see what has happened and understand what we were told. I will quote-more or less--from the findings: Destructive lesions are again demonstrated at C3 and C7 progressed as compared to previous, pathological fracture at C3 with approx two thirds loss of height, retropulsion and epidural tumor, eccentric to the left resulting in mild cord compression, pathological fracture at C7 at approx 25% loss of height anteriorly and extending into the anterior epidural space on the right effacing the thecal sac and slightly flattening the anterolateral cord without evidence of cord suppression. Mild disc disease is noted at multiple levels. There are some other notes but the above notes were what put the upright dominoes into play. Lab work, wait to see the oncologist radiologist, this doc is straight forward, 'we do radiation on those two sites, cord compression will lead to paralysis", then to radiation department, CT scan, then the marks for radiation, mask made to keep the head from moving during treatment and at 5:15 the first radiation treatment. That is a lot of falling dominoes over a short period of time. Today Bob was back for the second radiation treatment. There will be 5 all together.
Our oncologist also talked about surgery at the C3 point. Everything will be re-evaluated once radiation is complete. Unless notified differently our next appointment is the 28th. Having a collar for Bob seemed to be something both docs mentioned but that was as far as that went. Bob was told to be careful with no sudden movements or head jerks????? Tomorrow we see the oncology radiologist before radiation and will ask him about a collar and how to go about getting one. The collar is Barbie's biggest concern what with all the pot holes etc. Amazing, one day we don't know and continue on with life and then freak out the next because we do know.
We are thankful for friends who are taking Bob to radiation and to our family for their prayers and continuing source of information!!!!! We are thankful for the medical people and the actions they take to deal with Bob's cancer. Should you be one who prays please pray for much wisdom for these doctors and all the medical teams. Pray for our mental health, our physical health and our spiritual health. Pray that we will not doubt that God is still on the throne of our lives.
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