Another month of up and down and all around. Kinda like a tilt-a-whirl at the mid-way rides.
Bob spent four days in the hospital before Hallowe'en. Bob spiked a fever and had the chills, sweats and shakes so off we went to emergency. Bob had just finished a course of antibiotics for a nasty ear infection and was still on antibiotic drops. I cannot imagine how any germs are left inside of his body as Bob was put on some heavy duty IV antibiotics. His blood count was low again. He was also a bit on the dehydrated side. The saline soon had him nice and plumped up in short order and of course using the washroom a lot.
However, with all the testing, even a CT of his head, a site of infection was not readily determined. Bob then came home on another round of oral antibiotics.
The next week was our Tom Baker Cancer Care visits. Up, up we went this time. The protein that the oncologist follows as the cancer marker was low. This blew us away as we expected something totally different. The numbers were as low as they have been in the nine year, four month battle!!!! I have never seen so much teeth showing on Dr. B's face. So we went ahead for Bob to continue on the current regime the next day. Why take a chance that the cancer would go the other way? Even in only a weeks delay. Before one of the chemos will be dropped Bob's protein numbers would have to remain stable for three to four months. He is on four chemo drugs all oral but the one, so getting off of chemo isn't happening any time soon. Multiple Myeloma would pop up without having a sword at it's throat so chemo will always Bob's normal. Bob is handling the side affects well for now. He is tired and sleeps a fair bit depending on the day. He is also rather week so lots of sitting or walking is not good. In all actuality though, this normal is doable for both of us.
Down, down we went the other day. Bob had to meet with our GP after the hospital stay. His appt was this past Mon. Dr. G took another swab of the ear. He said he wanted to be sure there was no lingering infection. Today Bob can hear? can sense? the same popping in his ear. He called the GP and got an appointment for next week, BUT with the advice to phone at 8:00am tomorrow and they may have a cancellation and they will fit him in.
We have cast all our worries and anxiety at the Lord's feet. In truth, we have ceased to worry about this cancer or the days ahead BUT as each incident comes along we do our best to battle the cancer. Bob is a guinea pig of sorts now and our desire is that a cure will be found not only for multiple myeloma but for all cancers. This is an insidious disease that robs victims and families of a life that we think we should have. Hope for eternal life with Jesus is a real and promised hope, the life we think we should have will be gone but heaven is for ever. Praise God.
Oh Bob and Shirley. You two could tell us all so much about faith and trust. The excercise our group did and discussed last night had me just wishing we could stop and ask you directly if you would share some of the insights that God has given you on this journey. I always hesitate to turn the notice on this struggle for fear of making you feel badly but you both have so much to teach us about hope and trust and continuing, no matter what. Love you both. God uses you in ways you can't know. Thank you for your beautiful hearts.