Thursday, March 10, 2016


"Trust me, I have a plan" were pretty much the last words we heard from Dr. Bahlis on Mar.9.

We also read those words or words that are very similar in the bible.  Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."  Jeremiah was speaking to the Israelite people who were in exile and it appeared to these Israelites that God had forgotten them.  However, God's word is for us now in 2016 too.  Bob and I trust Dr. Bahlis but more importantly we trust our Father God who has cared for Bob in some pretty incredible ways over the years.  These almost eight years of fighting multiple myeloma have been hard, discouraging and painful.  Yet we trust God with the future.

All that being said, the stem cell transplant most definitely has not worked.  The cancer markers are climbing quickly.  As I have said before, Bob does not have over the top high numbers, right since the time he was diagnosed.  The difference is that they are now going up fast.  Dr. Bahlis pointed out to us that many blood numbers were very good:  WBC 5.7, RBC 3.4, platelets113, neutrophils 113.  However the kappa free is 173 now, lambda free 3.45 making the ratio 50.14.  Which would be ok if the stem cell transplant and all that drama wasn't only 6 mo ago.

Unfortunately, There are not a lot of options left as most of the known treatments for multiple myeloma,  Bob has now failed.  The medical researches are always working and looking for that hope---something new to help patients.  Sooooo beginning on Mar.11 Bob will begin a new chemo regime---well, not actually new, it is a rerun.  This is more potent than what he is doing now.  Along with the velcade, being added are dexamethasone, and cyclophosphamide.  This will be the regime for two rounds for sure----three weeks of drugs, one week off.   Hopefully this will keep the cancer in check somewhat. THEN THE EXCITING AND SCARY AND ANOTHER REASON TO PRAY   EVENT.

By this time Dr. Bahlis will know if Bob has been accepted for a very experimental treatment.  The doctor is applying for this treatment on compassionate grounds.  There are also, two other of Dr. Bahlis' patients, who this treatment, is being applied for.  This procedure has the potential to be a cure for multiple myeloma.  If not now, sometime in the future.  Should you want to check it out google:   car  t  .

So we cling to the trust we have and for future hope that we know is there.  Pray with us for wisdom, physical well being, beyond what could be hoped for, for Bob, peace and grace and hope.

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