Saturday, September 12, 2015


We are now on the way up the mountain.  We left the hospital on Friday(the 11th).  For Bob he was very happy and very excited to be going home with the prospect of feeling better.  I on the other hand, was  intimidated by what may be ahead.  However after only a day at home I can say thank you for the many prayers---God has this!!!!!!!!

On Wed (9) Bob was still spiking fevers and was very shaky.  That day Bob had an MRI.  Once the results were back from the MRI  plus all the various blood and pee sample and tests  the medical people could not find the cause of the fever.  There didn't seem to be any infection plus the blood counts were on the way up.  Dr. Nancy, the transplant doctor, decided the only thing left to do was to take out the CVC line. So on Wed evening she did just that.  Bob said he felt a tremendous sense of relief with that gone.  I shudder to think of all the meds and blood plus the blood cells and saline that went directly into his heart.  That night Bob still had a fever but it was controllable.  The doctor kept him in one more day and night and ta da no fever on Thurs night.  Bob and I are of the opinion that his body did not like the line and that was the only way it could fight back.  The docs ran tests on the line and there wasn't any bacteria or other yukkies in it.    We are happy with our theory.

Bob is happy at home, working on the computer.  His mind is more clear.  I take his temp every four hours and no fevers.  Should that happen we are back in hospital asap.  He still has a bed in unit 57 until Mon.  On Tues morning (15) we become the responsibility of The Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic and Dr. Bahlis.  We will be going there for maybe 2 1/2 to 3 months depending on how well Bob does in recovery.  Then he needs all his immunizations again---they may skip the kindergarten shot.

Last night, Bob's first night home, we celebrated with a fire alarm in our building.  Never realized how disorientated you can become waking up to that noise.  We made it down the stairs and out side before we realized Bob had no mask or cane!!!  Adrenalin is an amazing rush.  We also realized most everyone in our building wears jammies to bed and forgets their glasses!!!!  My friend, a nurse, said that without the mask on Bob, it was not a time to visit!!!!!  She was also the one to ask if the firemen were good looking---no glasses!!!!ha ha!!!!   Not sure what the alarm was all about but we did smell and see smoke on our floor, but not acrid.  Maybe one of those hooka pipes gone astray.

Anyhow, my fears are being assailed, with Bob at home, and we are on the way up the mountain to a healthy Bob.

Should we cross your minds please pray for Bob's recovery  and remission.

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