Bob left the house this morning in somber acceptance of the day and days ahead. He is back to the chemo regime and knows what the next three weeks will hold. These past weeks have been the worst because on top of the chemo, he got that terrible cold that has been making the rounds everywhere. I have never heard anyone cough so much. For sure no sleeping, (Bob thinks people over rate sleep anyway LOL), and we now have shares in every tissue manufacturer there is, in the western world. HOWEVER.
Bob was at the cancer clinic on Wed. March 20. This was his regular appointment with Dr. Bahlis. We praise God The Father,,,,,, again as He has used these drugs to beat back the cancer again. Halleluja!!! Bob had had a fair number of lesions on different parts of his skeleton at the last PET scan but the scan that was taken a couple of weeks ago--Mar.7??- didn't light up so the active spots of cancer were routed!!!! This is such amazing news, as we were somewhat concerned with the number of cancer spots that Bob had in his body. The doc has decided that Bob will finish 3 more rounds of chemo with all 3 drugs. This will take 3 months---up to summer. For the summer the thinking is that Bob will just have 1 drug for chemo--Revlamid--making the side affects somewhat tolerable and minimal. This will be a maintenance dose, my thinking anyway. Perhaps we will now begin thinking of leaving the city for a road trip??? Some people think that travelling is a given so if it is a given in your life go for it, while you can do it easily. That part of our new normal is not a given, and even knowing that we are not travellers, it still feels constrictive when you know travelling isn't an easy given. Of course, I only need to look at Tim and Barbie and realize that my new normal is easy.
Speaking of Tim, his pressure sore is pretty much all healed---praise God. Once he was put on the list for surgery because the sore wasn't healing, Tim decided he was no longer staying in bed!!! He has been up and doing the computer work for Trans Alta and spending time with the family----away from the bedroom. He is very conscience of tilting time and the sore began to heal. They have begun to tentatively, very tentatively, plan for a holiday using the money from the social that was held a year ago. God is faithful and is doing a work in our family. I need to take that one step farther away and say that God is also working in our Mike and his family.
Over the years many people--well mostly women---"older women!!!!! would be the prayer warriors. They would be in prayer faithfully and earnestly for the church, missionaries, families and situations around the world. They always amazed me and inspired me to be more diligent in prayer. I prayed but not the same as I am moved to pray now. I am thinking, that in my experience, I needed to come to the point that as a woman, wife and mom there was nothing, absolutely nothing I, me, myself could do to fix situations in our family. My doings were totally useless and often negative. That is when my head knowledge of how much God cared became my heart knowledge. I opened my hurts, cares, fears and everything I am and have to the Lord and asked Him to care for them. I pray somewhat differently always acknowledging that only God has any power to care for my family. I also concede that God does all things in His way and in His time. He didn't need me to help Him do His work. Prayer is so important and so freeing, I trust that now as an "older woman" I will honor God by being willing to pray for others. It has meant stepping back and allowing God to step forward into my life and the lives of those I love.
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