In the dictionary stable means not fluctuating. Stability is the strength to endure or stand.
Each of us want to live in a stable environment. We want our relationships, our finances, our jobs all to be stable. Most of us want to know what is ahead from day to day. As we grow older we realize that a stable world is not always the case. Our world and the forces in it are in constant change almost every day. Jobs and the security they provide can be tenuous. Our families change and make choices that perhaps are foreign to what we know and believe. Partners and friends change. They can become someone different from the person we learned to know months or years earlier. Our stable life can be turned upside down leaving us in a muddle not knowing what to do or how to react. Bob and I are thrilled to know Jesus. he is stabile, no matter what is happening in our lives. Hebrews 13:5b says" because God said "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you".
Bob has waited many months and with baited breathe that the cancer he has would not be constantly marching ahead. We were at the cancer clinic yesterday and the protein numbers, and the blood work have all remained stable. HURRAH, therefore no change to the chemo protocol. Bob is doing well physically on this protocol. Under the supervision of a diabetic nurse the diabetes is also stable.
This was not what we expected and so we are very thankful. Since last month Bob spent 4 days in hospital. The docs believed it was an infection and because of his compromised immune system he was give a large, strong regiment of antibiotics. The docs settled on pneumonia as the infection, in the end, however several other conditions cleared up as well. However the chemo regime was altered and then cancelled for a week. Thankyou to those who are continually praying for us. These easier months would not happen without the prayers of friends and family and God's mercy.
I have to say that Bob has great stability because of our God who never changes. Bob has endured so very much over these past nine years that I firmly believe that his strength as a person can only be God given. Celebrate with us this month and pray that our next results will also be stable.