Sunday, February 26, 2017


Hope is a confident trust with the expectation of fulfillment. 
 Bob's dad, Peter, had a hope that he would spend eternity in heaven with Jesus.  He believed he would once again see all believers (mom) who have trusted Jesus as their Saviour and have already passed. Today dad is seeing the fulfillment of that expectation.  Dad passed away today, February 26, 2017.
Dad had just turned 94 years old.  His life was filled with so many experiences, joys and losses.  Dad was giving of all his resources, his time, talents and finances to his family when we had need.  He was patient and loving to us and his grandkids.  The three grandkids were his pride and joy.  He loved each of them with an unconditional love.  Dad worked hard his entire life and never gave up.  He was the eternal optimist.  The Fishbooks called him"no problem Pete". 
 We loved him and will miss him greatly.  We talked with dad at least once a week.  "Well hello Shirley Hildebrand, you are looking good today.  How are things out west?  How is my Bob?" spoken in that loud cheerful voice.  Makes me cry as I type those words.   Together dad and Reta were our (Bob"s) leading prayer warriors.  That will leave a huge hole for sure.
Hugs to Reta who together with dad celebrated 25 years of marriage.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. 
 from an Irish headstone

Since the last post; we have received renewed hope for Bob's health. Dad would be pleased.  The protein numbers are at the lowest they have been in nine years.  Bittersweet since Bob stopped taking the chemo on the 12th.  The oncologist was so thrilled that he did not really deal with Bob's decision.  However we did do a backup and Bob is taking the chemo again.  Like the doc says"don't screw up what you have accomplished".  Did he really say screw?  Perhaps not.  At this point Bob is not taking one of the chemo drugs-----the pomolyst.  It transfers to the brain and could have caused the huge side affects that Bob had.  We do not see the oncologist until April but Bob will be doing lab work every week.  He has the darzalex infusion on the 9th of March.  Pray that the protein numbers will stay low without the pomolyst.
Due to the fact that Bob is feeling so much better he has decided that we will be going to Niagara Falls for dad's memorial.  At this point though nothing has been decided.  Pray for Bob's brother as he is the executor for their dad and is in contact with Reta as to plans etc.

May the memory of dad (Pete) bring us peace as we prepare to meet him where Jesus makes us whole.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Bob is now officially retired.

 This past Thurs. (Feb. 16) a luncheon was held in Bob's honour at the ranch near the estate where Bob worked.  The staff set the room up so very nicely and it really was pretty.  The meal, along with appetizers was catered and served by Hyatt staff.  We thought it might be sandwiches and dessert but this luncheon was first class all the way.  I was especially pleased and blessed at how Bob was honoured.  Kind words from Kelly, the estate manager, from the President of Exploron as well as the Shareholder.   The emcee Darrell did an awesome job.   Bob has left an imprint with his coworkers.  Several folks from "the city" also came out.  These are people Bob had contact with in the course of his job.   It was special in the fact that I was included in some of the "roasts" and kindnesses.  We were acknowledged as a team and that was special.

For me personally the best part was the speech that Bob gave.  He did so well, even leaving his notes and adding in situations off  the cuff.  To me it showed his mind was clear and he was thinking on his feet.  He was articulate and his hands were not shaking.  Through his words I believe Bob honoured God.  He also honoured the staff and Shareholder.

The company has also put Bob on a monthly retainer.  This allows them to call him and discuss various situations.  Bob will also connect regularly with the young man, who he trained to take his place.

This is exciting for Bob and with a clear head he will be able to manage.  Once again God has gone ahead and blessed us.

All of that was written to set the tone for a decision Bob made.  Last Sunday was the last time he took the oral chemo.

The chemo had started on the previous Thurs. and by Sunday Bob could not go out to church or go anywhere.  We tried short walks and then he would sleep again.  He seemed to sleep a lot--around the clock.  Bob's head was fuzzy and he had tremors sometimes light ones and some times all out shaking.  Thinking of the week ahead Bob realized that he would not make this luncheon or would be a pitiful disaster at it.  Bob has the pain under control and we knew it wasn't the pain meds doing this to him.  So he stopped chemo.  Not sure how this will play out in the weeks ahead.  Bob also wants to gain 25 pounds before he starts chemo again.  That would take him all the way up to 155 pounds.

We checked with Dr. Google about this constant weight loss.  From what we have read we think he may have cachexia.  He is weighed at each doctor visit and we hear "Robert, you have lost more weight" but never had any cautions or teaching.----  Oh yes we did, he was to eat more high fat stuff.

We phoned our oncology nurse and have an appointment to see the oncologist on Tues.  This will be interesting.
In the mean time Bob is living an almost "normal" life.

Bob's dad is not doing well.  He is back in the hospital with sepsis plus at least 2 other organ infections.  My prayer is for mercy for dad and for him to go and be present with Jesus.

Constant change is the course of life.