Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Every other Thursday a group of ladies get together to study a book in the Bible.  We did Ephesians before Christmas and tomorrow we are beginning a study of Ecclesiastes.  There is not a study guide.  We read and research and then discuss what we learned, how we can apply what is in scripture to our lives. Tomorrow we will be going over the first three chapters.  Soooo being an eager beaver I started to do my studying today!!!

Part way through the day Bob came home to pick me up.  Bob had his monthly appointment with Dr. Bahlis, his oncologist.  I drove over to the cancer centre as Bob is so tired.  He has not been sleeping well.  Trying to figure out why- covers so much of a person's psyche (which I am taking to mean; ones whole self) that we cant figure it out.  Maybe this visit will help deal with the sleeplessness.
Bob has also gone back to work.  It is full time with 3 days out at the estate and 2 days doing computer work or pick ups in the city.  So not sleeping is having an impact on him.

Our visit did not go as well as we expected.  The numbers used as the cancer markers are coming up-- rather quickly.  This means there is cancer in the bone marrow and it is active.  In Oct. the Kappa Free was 9.04,by Dec.14 it was 16.5 and Jan.11 blood work showed it at 30.8.  The ratio is 3.79.  We had chosen for Bob to have chemo every other week due to the side affects.  Dr. Bahlis has a couple of things to try but doesn't want to change more that one thing at a time.  So starting on Fri. the 15th Bob will have chemo every week.  So we will see what happens by our Feb. appointment.  Bob's blood work is not where it should be either.  This is very discouraging, disappointing and just plain frightening.  To deal with sleeping, well guess what? a sleeping pill.  Bob does not have to use them everyday but we will start tomorrow when he doesn't have to get up and go to work the next day.

The pain Bob has is controlled reasonably well by the drug patches he is now using.  We are grateful for that.

So does this blog sound like a bit of a downer?  In a way it was meant to.  I wrote in my study notebook  this morning that Solomon sure wrote a downer in the book of Ecclesiastes.  This wise man writes that all things in and done and possessed in the world is for naught---all nothingness.  Chasing after the wind!!!!   So on our way home I began to think what is this constant struggle with cancer for?  Perplexing all these thoughts.  I began thinking this morning surly Solomon must come to a different conclusion somewhere in the book so I turned to the last chapter to take a peek: "Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.".  

Knowing Jesus and following Him gives us purpose and hope.  The hope of living forever with Jesus in heaven, where we will be perfect and there will be no cancer.  While we are still on this earth we will live to bring glory to Jesus and reflect Him to those around us.