Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Visual

Time is speeding by and yet this September seems to have gone on and on.  Maybe because so much has happened.  Experiencing all the seasons in less than 30 days maybe made it long for me.

We never had a gas fireplace before.  The fireplace works very slick and I like it very much.  Now that it turned "fall cool" we have put it on a couple of times.  Not sure what I thought a gas fire place should be like but today, with the cool wind, I noticed that the cool air come in via the fireplace.  Hmmm.  The wood fireplace was like that but the damper kinda blocked a lot of the cool air.  Loved the wood fire place.  We warmed ourselves at least three, nooo four times by having a wood fireplace.  First we dragged the dead trees out of the bush to a spot to be cut up with a chain saw.  Another day we loaded them into the front end loader and took them to the yard to be split.  At the end of this era we even had a hydraulic splitter.  We made a large pile with the split logs.  Another day we loaded them again into the tractor bucket----over and over, then went over to the "wood shoot" with the tractor and heaved the split logs into the basement wood bin.  When a fire was wanted we took our canvas log carrier downstairs,loaded it up and took the logs up to the family room. Then, we could burn the logs and SIT down and warm ourselves in front of the fire.  Wow, feel warm just thinking about that process.  Should have been simple to stay slim!!!!!  Oh yeah and then shovel the ashes into a bucket and take them out!!!!

Bob was to see the oncologist this week and we are very encouraged.  The drugs are working well.  The kappa free marker, that is one of the markers they follow, has come way down.  Platelets are 122, creatine 79, the kappa/lambda free ratio is 5.78.  Praise God all of these numbers speak of the cancer in different ways and the numbers have all gone down.  Bob is now back into a 3 week regime and the nurse is suggesting that they may cut down the prednisone for the next regime.  That would relieve some of the side affects.  Bob is walking without the cane which is great.  Neuropathy is still a problem.  It is up to the knee on his right leg.  The pain is down a lot and that makes a huge difference.  Please keep asking the Lord for healing or new combinations of drugs that could be tried later on.   We are so thankful to our God for His care and mercy.
The chart shows what happened when the drugs were changed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Remembering September

The other day I was thinking about what Sept. means in our lives.  The one thing that comes to mind is harvest.  Living in the city one doesn't often think about what is going on out in the country.  Bob sees farm and ranch land on the days that he goes to work but I can go for months and not realize that the rhythm of rural life continues on.  That rhythm continues whether those of us who don't see the change.  So I began to reminisce a bit about fall.  

A big thing is back to school.  The best deal that I could find on lined loose leaf this year was ten cents a pack which is great.  I had to buy one----well...............just because it is fall.  Over the coming years I am sure we will use up all the packages that we have.

This is also the month we dug up all the root crops in the garden.  I can still smell the dirt as you dig for potatoes.  The big deal was pulling the plant up and seeing how many potatoes stayed attached and how big they had grown.  We would usually start digging with a fork but would pierce to many potatoes, so then out came the spade.  The potatoes that were pierced or cut by the spade went in one pile so we would use them up quickly.  The small potatoes in another pile.  Now these small potatoes, that often were tossed over the fence, bring top dollar-----at least in the grocery stores.  The rest of the potatoes for keeping over winter in another pile.  Let them dry off and then we put them into grain sacks.  We loaded them on the kids' wagon and away to the basement to be stored.  The air was usually brisk with yellow/golden leaves falling---ah fall!!!  Then of course we had carrots and beets and even some parsnips make it into the house.  We would also make sure the onions dried down by pushing over the green stems to stop the growing and start the drying.  In my garden it was more stomping over the green than pushing over.  One year my mom-in-law braided all the onions together and we hung them in the basement and to use them ---- just break off the bottom one..

Fall also was time to combine the grain.  This could often be a very tense time of year depending on the weather.  There is nothing better than on a sunny, bright day to watch the combine hum along the rows and rows of swathed grain.  The grain would be a steady stream into the hopper.  These days had everyone smiling.  The part I liked was packing lunch or supper and taking the kids out to the combine.  The guys would stop and we would have a picnic together.  The kids and ladies stayed longer as the guys usually ate and went back to work quickly.  The nights that had no dew and the moon was full our guys often combined through the night. That was so pretty and so satisfying.  Perhaps I am romanticizing it a bit, looking back.  So,,,, Bob often said:" well, of course it doesn't break until you are using it".  We also had our fair share of breakdowns.  The kids and I would drive to town with a broken something to get a new something.

Take a sniff and use your imagination.  Can you smell the fire?  All the leaves have been raked and a few dry logs of oak are added and just like that, a bedtime wiener roast with everyone in parkas or wrapped in quilts.  To be truthful we only raked what was needed for the fire as we didn't have a lot of forest in our yard.  Now Gerry, well he raked and raked----using the grass picker upper attachment.  Gotta say Gerry and family had great fires!!!!!!

Oh Oh, I didn't mention corn.   Corn-- anyway you like to eat it--boiled, roasted, on the cob, off the cob with that wonderful butter dripping down your arms,--- yum.   This was of course after you beat the raccoons to the corn.  A radio out in the corn? For sure.  After a while the raccoons get use to the talking  and choose their own channels, usually country music!!!!!!  This too is fall.

Often times fall is very different.  Case in point: this year 2014 before the leaves even changed color a snow storm came through southern Alberta.  Sept. 5 and 6th we had almost a foot of heavy wet snow in our part of the city.  Lots of trees damaged by the sheer weight of the snow, power lines were down all over the city.  The newspaper claimed this was the earliest snow in a century.  Today is +25C. and the temp will be warm all week--way above average.  The poplar trees are a beautiful deep yellow and the catoneasters are turning red.  A different fall for sure.

The year 2004 also had a very different fall for us.  This was the month that we were leaving the farm for the very last time.  It took a lot of time and effort to empty barns and shops and garages and our house.  We sold 45 tons of scrap metal from Bob's storage pile  "may need it some time".  We had bought a house in Brandon with possession the beginning of Oct.  Bob already had clients for his handyman business.  I was still working at the school in the Hutterite Colony.  I had a wonderful ideal of what living in the city would be like, could hardly wait.  We were going to live with Gerry and Claire until Oct but were first of all heading to Calgary to visit Tim and Barbie and the kids.  They had made the big move from Thunder Bay in August and we hadn't gone out to see their home and new surroundings.  Tim and Barbie wanted to be in Calgary for the beginning of the school year, Colton going into grade 2 and Aston to grade 1.  Emily had another year at home before kindergarten.
I came home from school that day, Sept.23, and Bob quickly ran from the shop to meet  me.  He was upset and looked awful.  My first reaction was "oh no the sale of the farm fell apart".  Bob hugged me and said "Tim fell at work and is in the hospital".  West Jet was hiring later in the fall and with the flying hours Tim had, he was pretty much assured to be hired.  In the mean time he walked down the block and got hired on as a framer building houses.

I didn't or wouldn't allow myself to think it might be really bad.  I was sure that by the time we arrived in  Calgary all would be well or almost well.  Bob seemed to grasp how serious it was for Tim.  Barbie cried and cried when we spoke with her.  I assured her over and over all would be well.  Sept 26 was the possession day of the farm so we worked like mad to get everything finished.  On the 25th of Sept we left for Calgary about four 0'clock in the afternoon.  We went straight to Foothills Hospital and the reality of Tim's situation and the situation of Barbie and the kids became all to clear.
This is the 10th anniversary of that horrible life changing fall.  Life changing for so very many people.  For Tim and Barbie, Colton , Ashton and Emily their lives were impacted in ways that are still unsettling and make me cry.  We have no idea this side of heaven what truly happened to each of them.  Perhaps this is not an anniversary of celebration but maybe one of reflection of the events, feelings, attitudes, goals and dreams, the good and the bad.  How will we go on now ten years older?
Shamus who is now 5 years old, starting kindergarten this fall.  Shamus is the picture of his daddy.  Shamus and the futures ahead for the big kids give hope for the times ahead.

"For I know the plans I have for you",says the Lord.  "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

In the face of everything that fall of 2004 brought into Tim and Barbie's life that verse can seem callous to their situation.  Yet that is the very verse Barbie choose to take them through that beginning time.  I have learned that the future and the hope that Jeremiah speaks of is only found in knowing Jesus, really learning to know Him through reading His word  and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us what He desires us to know.  We can then know the hope and future.  We can discern what the Lord has for us each day as part of those  plans.

Fall is a lot of different things for us in a number of different seasons of life. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Standard

Labor Day---when we were farmers we thought that labor day was when everyone was working!!!  As I am typing this I am looking out my window, and now, I think labor day is when all the various shapes and sizes of campers are coming home.  Then again, we left Staples without printer ink today because the line ups were so long with those harried parents purchasing school staples for their school kids, like for tomorrow.  That is maybe what labor day is all about.  We are watching football--the labor day classic!!!Edmonton is playing in Calgary.  Hooh Ra go Stamps go!!!! That is really what labor day is all about.  Hmmm

We enjoyed having our three little ones from Edmonton with us.  They kept us hopping but were great kids and we had a lot of fun and really full days.  Once mom and dad picked them up to go home, Bob and I slept for two days!!(slight exaggeration).  A 1 year old a 2 year old and a 3 year old are very busy people.  This weekend we had Shamus stay with us.  He is 5 years old and starts kindergarten this coming week.  We enjoyed our time with him and I think he liked staying with us too.

A new concern for us, about our family, is for Michael.  He had bad chest pain on Fri. night that wouldn't go away so he went into emerge at the hospital.  After tests and such the doctor in emerge believes Mike has angina.  He is to try and have less stress!!!!! and walk more.  Then of course to see his family Dr. and if the pain comes back to high boot it to the hospital.  Mike and Cori were planning to head down to Arizona again, this time with all the proper paper work!!!  At the end, it didn't happen.  Mike has so much work in Canada now, that they really felt that God closed the door.  Now with this health issue for Mike, we as parents, really can see God's Hand at work keeping them in Canada.  Right now Mike is in need of someone to be "in the office" to answer calls and dispatch the guys.  Do you know a young fella in Saskatoon or Edmonton needing a job?  Mike is 40 years old now.  The right age for those heart attacks to happen to the young guys.  Say a prayer for Mike, please.

Bob saw Dr. Neri,one of the oncologists, on Wed..  Oh!!!!, Dr. Neri, things must be looking up because it isn't Dr. Bahlis.  The protein numbers have come down a long way, saying that the new mixture of drugs is working.  Bob is taking cyclophosphamide,prednsone, and pomalidimine.  The following numbers are for those few medical people who know what they mean!!!! The total protein in the chemistry dept is  64.  Kappa free is153.  Lambda Free is17.10  which puts the ratio at 8.95 down from 12.43.  As I look over the print out most everything else is within the alloted range.  The pain in the hip is somewhat lessened but is still severe.  Altho, some days Bob gets around better than others.  A number of you live with chronic pain, so you understand how it affects your daily life in every area of your life.

So for us this labor day isn't classic it is the standard that we should recognize by now.  The drug regime will work for a while and then things will get tense again, then a different drug regime will be tried and it will work and on and on.  We always live with a hope that a cure may be found so we will continue to try all these different regimes.  Please pray that Bob will continue to handle the drugs as well as he does.  Pray that I will continue to appropriate the Lord's grace, love and care.

Back to school and routine everyone!!!!