I just finished transferring all those important dates to remember, from our 2012 calendar to our brand new 2013 calendar. This year the new calendar has been provided by our Quebec grandkids. Each month we get to see a new set of their pictures so along with birthdays, anniversaries and some of those "remarkable days" we will see their smiling faces.
Ah yes, those remarkable days include the passing on dates of loved ones, the date we left the farm for the last time, the date that Tim fell, the date we arrived in Calgary to begin our life as Calgarians and the date we received the diagnosis of multiple myeloma for Bob. The anniversary of that diagnosis will be 5 years in July of this new year.
My younger .........and only sister has been reminding me that I haven't written anything since Aug. and she is correct. I had a hard time getting to this site today. Since my computer savvy isn't near a ten, I had to spend some time looking up passwords and trying to skip over some new safety "things" but I am here and hopefully someone will be able to read this post.
As I turned the pages of 2012 it was a time of remembering people, events and some of the tough situations our family is and has been dealing with. Makes me feel somewhat melancoly but along with that I also recognize anew some of the ways that God answered prayer, cared for us and blessed us.
Bob's Journey is the name of the blog so as the months were turned I realized that this myeloma really hasn't changed much. Each month notes trips to the oncologist, or to a GP, to a lab or to a radiology department. This has been ongoing for the whole year. I had been of the thought that maybe this routine would change somehow-----that we could go back to our old normal. However just like Tim and Barbie and their reality, Bob and I have to come to grips with what is now, our life. It is a learning process and often not easy or very acceptable. Yet I am thrilled and thankful that Bob is still here and able to go to the doctors and tests. So......nothing of great, hugeness stands out that I have been able to blog about. I am realizing, that is good, but I should still keep up with letting all of you know that, even if the news is mundane.
Next trip to the lab is tomorrow--Sunday the 30th. Oncologist on the 2 of Jan. last year was the 6 of Jan!!!!!!!!!!! This trip has some concerns as Bob is experiencing much more pain in his back as well as the pain he has had in his side. Bob is also more tired but some of that could be pain meds. We are trusting that there will be some answers for the pain and a plan to follow.
Each new year provides new opportunities, new ways to live our lives. As this new year is about to ring in my goal is to live a life of giving grace to others--- the way that Jesus gives each of us His grace.